I used to be caught up in being a Trophy Mom. And no it’s not a Trophy wife who has kids, it’s a Mom who believes in giving motherhood her all… and then some!

I am a full-time helicopter mother and recovering perfectionist. I’m a child of two emotionally immature parents and survived their toxic parenting. I know that my upbringing is wholeheartedly a part of who I am today as both a woman and mother. All moms are not born equal, but toxic parents can have great kids, no matter how affected we are by their parenting style.
My mission is for women to use their story as their motivation. To turn their pain from their past into their power…today. To own their adulthood and their motherhood. We can all carry our own bags and our own shit. It’s not our children’s responsibility to take care of us. Don’t waste valuable energy carrying around this baggage throughout our lives. Unpack it, take inventory, acknowledge what serves you and then put it into Otherhood.
I believe that toxic parenting awareness is crucial to increasing our emotional intelligence, creating better human beings and future generations to come. My passion is to help women and mothers acknowledge their trauma, shed their shame, turn their pain into power and unpack their suitcase of their toxic upbringing.
Unconditional love between a parent and child is a two-way street, but children are more loyal. Until, I wasn’t. This is my journey of how I became the mom I never had and why I made the choices I did. This is my parenting story when my worst memories of the past collide with the present to form the future family I’ve always dreamed of.
I’ve worked hard to not be reckless with self-love or self-worth. Seeing myself as a child, I knew I had to work even harder for my own children.
Last year, I learned that to create the best version of myself, I had to create a balance of my physical, mental and spiritual self. That I had to deal with all the stuff going on in my heart and head to truly become the woman and mother that I want and need to be.
From the moment I became a mom, I only knew this immediate, effortless and indestructible love. Once I felt it, I could never survive without it. Any wounds from my past have been bandaged by my children. Small scars that are only visible to me and my reminder to do better.
Through learning the value of self-love, I became the woman and now mother that my kids deserve. Raising strong, compassionate and passionate human beings to change the world in their way. That’s my legacy.
Some themes covered in on my social platforms, blogs and website include:
family estrangement
parent anxiety and transferring it onto kids
parentified children
conscious discipline
family constellation therapy
perfect mom syndrome
setting kids up for success
self-worth and disordered eating
finding your identity inside of motherhood
manifesting your dreams
My platform is to connect us and normalize our shame, guilt, loneliness and rejection. My goal is to shine a spotlight on our toxic upbringing, inherited unhealthy stories and reminds us as women and mothers that we define our worth and we’re worth it! To not be scared of our future. That we are not alone. I see you. I am you.
To know that even one woman was inspired to break her own toxic cycle, shed their pain and shame and become the mother they were born to be, keeps me writing. I want her to win. I want kids to win.
I love connecting to others like me and having a sense of community. Download my guide from the homepage if you would like access to my Toxic Parenting survival guide that I’ve created during my healing journey…